Grinding + Polishing
Our grinding + polishing department is set up to prep parts for finishes such as plating and powder coating or to turn the raw material itself into a cosmetic finish. For smaller sheet metal parts this is accomplished with our polishing lathe or handheld grinders and air tools. Larger sheet metal parts are generally processed on our dual-belt stroke sander to minimize handling. The majority of the cosmetic grinding + polishing that we do is #4 finishes on food grade stainless steel, so we understand what it takes to polish a sheet metal part to the highest standard. Other preparatory and cosmetic finishes such as sand blasting, bead blasting, and uniform orbital patterns can be achieved as well.
We provide precision sheet metal fabrication and assembly services to a diverse customer base, including OEMs and Contract Manufacturers, located throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
Contact us Today and Let’s discuss your Project!